Tools mainly for use with flight simulators
Links to free charts/AIP worldwide whenever possible. Have started to add VFR charts and information as well.
Resources for flight planning, oceanic procedures, understanding charts and more
Calculate your total payload based on number of passengers etc.
Checklists and V-speed Performance tables for various aircraft
Long list of aviation acronyms & abbreviations
Current NAT tracks in a parsed format
Most visited airports on VATSIM right now — see also map of VFR flights (KML) and helicopters
Overview of VATSIM events gathered from several divisions
Airports included in the different editions. Same as in 2020, hardly any new airports (except KGCN and LEBB), mostly improved existing ones.
Aircraft included in the different editions.
All Asobo hand-crafted airports on a map
All default keyboard shortcuts, sorted by section or binding. Option to export to CSV/Excel
For now this is just a web version of the offset status document from FSUIPC documentation.
The list of aircraft in the 3 different versions of the new flight simulator - with performance specs, checklists, and pictures
All keyboard shortcuts ordered by key - to easily find available keys!
Listing all water runways in FSX.
FSX control/event numbers for all functions in the aircraft.
Important things to know about the EZdok Camera Addon mentioned below.
Adding waypoints to navdata/waypoints.txt
Usable services and latest map versions
Customize your joystick buttons, HID controller, and VRInsight MCP-Combo panel to your heart's content! (for FSX, FS20)
Use multiple keyboards each having separate functions! I prefer this over buying expensive hardware since you still get the "one-place-one-function" concept which is a key point in obtaining realism!
Control many more things in FS. Free version as well but the registered version is a must if you want to customize keys and buttons and much more! (for FSX, FS20)
Read/write FSUIPC offsets, flightsim controls, L:vars, H:vars and more using WebSockets - which is directly supported by all modern browsers. Web programmers can now easily talk to the flight simulator and build what they need.
Use photo-terrain textures in your flight simulator, downloaded real-time from map services. Probably doesn't work anymore.
EZdok Camera Addon (EZCA) replaces the views system in FSX. Even though it feels a bit unpolished it's a good program and increases realism a lot! You suddenly feel like you are sitting in an aircraft because you can move around freely. But read these notes!